Here is my list for things to learn and write about:
- Local Storage vs Session Storage vs Cookie ✔️
- Notes on TypeScript ✔️
- How to add skip to content link
- Dark support
- Fetch gotchas
- Function.prototype.bind
- Why Enums are bad in TypeScript
- React conditional rendering gotchas
- Nesting components in React
- Default vs named exports
- Using key props inside lists
- Event propagation
And here is the sources I want to get over
- Just JavaScript✔️
- Epic React✔️
- Testing Javascript✔️
- CSS for JavaScript Developers✔️
- TypeScript type challenges✔️
- Learning TypeScript by Josh Goldberg✔️
- Effective TypeScript by Dan Vanderkam💫
- Design Patterns For Web Dev
- Refactoring UI
- Every Layout
- Atomic Design by Brad Frost
- Overreacted - Writing Resilient Components
- Overreacted - Before You Memo
- - learn